Ok, i admit it, Luang Prabang is awesome

So, I screwed up and it was totally my fault. I got into a funk, I was craving adventure, and boy did I get it! But not in the way one would expect.

I took a motorbike for a test drive, and I was really enjoying it, thinking, yeah this is great. Then I started going faster and faster then i took a corner and lost control, got flung from the bike and smashed my chin into the pavement. Boom, split open my chin, gushing blood, drawing attention of concerned locals.

It was all good though, very painless. Got a ride to the hospital and was out in under an hour with 4 stitches and an elongated chin bandage. I got myself a nice Riverside view hotel room for a whopping $20 usd a night and relaxed for a day. Now i’m stuck in Luang Prabang for six days until I get the stitches out, so much for adventure!

But, that is a blessing. I have gotten out of my funk. I am super happy to be where I am, and happy to be travelling the way that I am. The longer I stay in a place the more I fall in love with it, the more things I notice about the intricacies, the systems, the way of life of the people that live there. I love getting up in the morning and not knowing what is going to happen. Every day is a surprise, filled with lessons, opportunities and experiences and my only job is to enjoy them as much as possible. I don’t even have to do anything and it ends up being an awesome day.

Luang Prabang is a beautiful city, with such tasteful decorations, and friendly and laid back people. I made some awesome new friends and memories here and I will cherish this city forever. And I will have a scar on my chin to remind me!




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