Shurfing in s(h)iargao

Its been five days since I got to Siargao Island and I’ve barely taken any pictures! Its not for a lack of beauty though, its just because I’ve been going surfing so I don’t take anything to the beach with me. I’m finally relaxed now and slowly slipping into the island life

Chilling on a deserted island

Yesterday I went island hopping so i can show you some pictures. Island hopping sounds fancy, but really you stuff 12 people into an outrigger canoe with a loud ass motor on it and go across a reef to some small islands and hang out, drink, eat, play and be merry. It was pretty fun, and the scenery was beautiful.

That spot underneath the giant fucking cloud, thats Siargao island

The island of Siargao, it has some development on it due to its popularity as a surfing destination, but its development feels authentic. It has plenty of charm to spread around and there are some clever Philipinos and foreigners contributing to that.

Sunset coming back from island hopping

And surfing, ooo, my backside is super sun burnt, i have massive bruises on my hips, but i’m progressing. Its even just awesome being out on my board (Irina) in the ocean with panoramic views all around. Catching a wave or two is the icing on the cake though.

Sunrise on the ferry

Oh, and the ferry ride I took over here was, well for one thing long, but it was an awesome experience in the end. There were about 400 passengers, mostly spread out on the decks of two floors with bunkbeds and no wals (so it was open to the sea breeze). I was the only foreigner on my deck so i attracted a lof of attention from the people around me. Everyone I talked to thought I was bat shit crazy for taking the ferry by myself, let alone travelling by myself in general. But in the end I met only nice people, and didnt get robbed or attacked by pirates! I also got to have a bunk bed right next to a rooster in a box, a blessing in disguise because it alerted me to an amazing sunrise over the pacific ocean.

Bunks on the ferry

Crack of dawn from the ferry

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